Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am thankful for eating in 2010

I am in a new show called "Zombiénce" with the improv company Improvatorium. Zombiénce is a improvised musical mayhem that takes place in the early 60's based off suggestions from the audience. I am super thrilled!!!
This week we were given homework to get us all more grounded in the 1960's. I was assigned food of the 60's. It has been terribly interesting to find out that just like art is a sign of the time so are food trends.

"In the United States, the 1960s was a stormy decade shaped by the clash of conforming tradition and radical change. Culinary wise? WWII rationing was a distant memory, 50s casseroles were old & boring. The 60s encouraged showy, complicated food with French influence (Julia Child, Jacqueline Kennedy), suburban devotion (backyard barbecues), vegetarian curiosity (Frieda Caplan) and ethnic cuisine (soul food, Japanese Steak houses). This was also the decade of flaming things (fondue & Steak Diane) and lots and lots of junk food (aimed at the baby boom children). "Average" suburban families patronized family-style restaurant chains like Howard Johnson's. The first Wendy's restaurant opened in 1969."

Here are some of the homemade foods I am thrilled to not have on my dinner table. go here for more vintage amazing-ness.

Okay maybe puddin' puffs wouldn't be so bad.

1 comment:

showfoodchef said...

I said the same thing before I read yours, "maybe Puddin' puffs wouldn't be so bad." I'd LOVE to have that Prune Party poster framed!


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