Friday, July 15, 2011

Week in the Elevator

With out meaning to this week became the week of red cardigans. Secret: on Monday I had a red cardigan in my bag for when the AC became a bit too cold.
Dresses and cardigans have been my staple mix and match for years now. This week I was super tired and just not getting enough rest. This made getting dressed in the morning a bit of a hassle but it has to be done right? Grabbing a dress and a cardigan is just easy. It makes me look stylish and pulled together on the outside and on the inside I know I am basically in the jeans and t-shirts of my twenties. Maybe that is how Monday slipped in there.

1 comment:

showfoodchef said...

This one was a hard one, but I think the cute little attitude on Tuesday won it for me :D


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