Friday, January 28, 2011

I feel an Obsession coming on

I bought these shoes from Torrid the other day. Total impulse buy. Not even a style I have been drawn to and yet some how hanging there in the store my heart was grabbed. I zipped them on and have been wearing them ever since. (almost)
They have brought about this cool sexy feeling that I have been needing to feel for quite sometime. I am already a tall drink of water and with these on I am a water tower and I love it!
So now I find myself on the search for more.

How about all of these?
These red ones may have to get bought. I love the mix of texture and rich color. I am drooling on my keyboard.

Cotton Top

I adore my hair short. So easy and stylish. I love it. But there are times when I miss my mass of cotton top. Full of baby powder or dry shampoo. Piled on my head with a couple curvy grips. Sexy and swoopy and vintage. Oh how I miss that look. Seeing this sexy girl really drives that longing home. How adorable and sexy is she?

This video is for the launch of the new Spring/Summer collection at Carmakoma. How did I not know of this place before. Sexy and chic. Total confidence building. I may just spend my whole savings this minute.

Oh please pretend no more

These are my pretend kids. They are stunning children that I find online and pretend in my mind that they are mine and that it was my idea to dress them in stunning kid style. As I get closer and closer to starting my own family I seem to fall more and more in love with my pretend kids.
How can you not with these beauties from Caramel Baby & Child.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Living Wake

I adore Jesse Eisenberg. He is talented and odd and that makes me like him. I am alos a fan of the very funny and odd Mike O'Connell. Here is a beautiful and odd movie they did together. You can watch the whole thing on Hulu.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're Famous!

Last night Potsch and I finally got to gaze upon over mass of wedding photos from Kelty and today we opened up our computers to find we had a gorgeous spread on Steep Street the Blog and a HUGE feature on Green Wedding Shoes!!! I just about died. Thank you ladies sooo much for the amazing words and spreads. You have made some of my dreams come true.
So, check out the link to see some of our awesome wedding photos and read me getting all gushy about DIY and my talented Hubby.
I will be posting some more wedding details here too - invites / photos / Song list / Let me know if there is something you want to know about!
The Boyds

Falling For You

Here it is!!! Here it is!!! You have been waiting so patiently and it has paid off.
This is the Film Potsch and I made the weekend before our wedding to debut at our reception. We are so proud. Hope you enjoy it!

Falling For You from Khali & Potsch on Vimeo.

Tunes on Tuesday - The Suzan

I am feeling so overwhelmed by the year ahead of me. 3 wedding - which means 3 bachelorette parties / 3 showers / 9 gifts.These are the weddings of my best friends so I am soooo incredibly excited but it is also a lot of money and that can be a little scary as an artist who's current job is about to end. Also, Potsch and I are trying to finally plan and take our honeymoon. AND we are trying to get pregnant. So much money being spent in my mind already.

So this Tunes on Tuesday is dedicated to an attitude adjustment. I am finding the love and excitement in all things. I am focusing on the abundance of great and letting my heart sing out like pop music.

The Suzan "Home" from Mr Goldbar on Vimeo.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Maintaining a Heath life style

Heath Ceramics has opened a new store in San Fransisco. Potsch and I were blessed to have been gifted for our wedding some gorgeous absolutely stunning bowls of all sizes from Heath in Los Angeles. If you don't know Heath you are missing out on some family business brilliants.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Issa that for me?

So beautiful. Sometimes I think I want to be rich just so I can buy clothes. These gorgeous flow-y wonders by Issa would be my first purchase and maybe I could stop there and be happy for forever.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My cool mom sent this to me. It is awesome and moving. Watch it and feel good and ready to feel the awesomeness all around.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cover it up

I think I need to get my self an iPhone 4 just so I can have these covers. Gorgeous! So many more here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tunes on Tuesday - Amel Larrieux

This was our last dance song at our wedding. It was perfect way to close the night. I wish there was a real video for the song but the song is so lovely I had to share it.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I want one. I realize I am starting most of my posting this year with statement but I am choosing to see that as how amazing I see the world and the people in it rather than I am a greedy consumer Bitch.
Anyway, I want a Stampy! So hurry up and make one already!
Seems like it could be the new gocco! YAY!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wall flower Kitty (and small dog)

I want one of these! I would put it just under one of our windows so my sweet little fuzzy muffins could lounge and enjoy the sun and breeze in style. Get your here. Now if I could just have Potsch figure how to make us one that would be even better.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wallpaper my life

I want every room in my life to have at least one wall covered from floor to ceiling with one of these. Just amazing!!!!! Stirs my soul. Thank you.

F*** Yeah, Tattoos!

I love tattoos. I want to cover my body in them sometimes but I have so many ideas I would run out of space in a year and then what? So instead I gather pretty images of them and image them on my body. Fun and painless and cost effective. Thanks to this fantastic website Fuck Yeah, Tattoos! I have inspiration for days.

I might just get this one. seems a little too perfect.

I am addicted... I can't stop and don't want to

Pinterest has got me! I was addicted even before they let join. Biggest gift and greatest mistake was being given my very own Pinterest account. Now, I can't stop.
I just search and pin. A virtual cork board all organized and pretty. Oh, Dreams do come true.

Come follow me and we can repin eachother.

It's just sex

Last night was the debut of Potsch and my "Conception" painting made with Alex Esguerra as part of his "It's Just Sex" series. The title is a touch ahead of itself as of right now but that was the motivation for making it. In fact we made it on my birthday last Saturday the 8th. I usually save some of this info for other things but the art show and Alex are total Boots&Cateyes so I have to share.
Lucky for me and my slight social anxiety I was asked to photograph the event. Please note the images below may contain some nudity.This is ours on the right. It was so much fun.

Is this a celebrity? She looks so familiar but I can not figure who she is. Kind of reminds me of Emily Mortimer.

The girls can definitely be distracting but they also added to the art.

This lady rolls around and stretches all pretty in a net above everyone's head. Crazy!


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