Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tunes on Tuesday - rewind edition

I was chatting with a friend the other night and we were all giggles about the music we loved as budding young ladies of 11. I have been waiting for that time when I can bond with a new friend purely based on the fact that we grew up in the same decade. That time is now!

Enjoy this sexy flash back.

Does his lady not look a bit like Kristen Wiig?

This was my first album. $.99 at music plus. The single of the week.

I clearly learned my hairstyle from Lisa Stansfield and my make-up sense from one Ms. Taylor Dayne.

This last one may not hit everyone but for those it does it will be hard to not sing along and possibly cry as well.

1 comment:

showfoodchef said...

Of course my memories will be for different reasons, but I remember those songs flooding the house - sweet times.


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