Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Built by Wendy

There are a few people in this world for whom I am in love with with a love that is not of the sexual sense or marrying kind. One would be my brother the handsome philosophical fireman and Second would be my friend and constant inspiration Margaret for her style and technique in life.
This post is for her.
I was gazing upon Built by Wendy's spring 2009 collection and kept saying to Potsch "this is totally margaret" I may have been off on a few selections but none the less I believe Margaret would look stellar in these. (though I really don't see her in the tiered ruffle skirt but the shirt for sure)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

am i too predicable, or are you secretly reading my mind?
sadly i only have one skirt from her, because the only thing un-stellar about her clothes, is, *sigh* their price.


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