Monday, August 10, 2009

Have fun learning German

I love being partnered for life with a sexy cool foreign boy. My is from Germany. It is fun being the emotional in-love with everything American girl with her determined to-the-point German boy.

I have known from the start that our children will be raised learning both English and German. I don't know German. I learned a little from some cd's and I looked really cute when we first visited his family in German but now my two/three German sentences are just a disappointment. Luckily one of my best friends has also fallen for a German and she too needs to get on the German speaking band wagon.

I am thrilled to enroll in a foreign language class with my friend. I learned french for about ten years and can only speak it if I have to survive. (I know this from experience)Now, learning a language has an actual point. I am bettering myself for my children.

Of course the best way to learn a language is to submerge yourself in it. But I am not moving to Germany right now and I doubt Potsch will sign on to only speak German to me from now on. So, I found some music.


I actually listen to them all the time. So amazing.

Another great one is Nylon. I adore them. such a great sound. I could not find any videos but you can hear them here. Definitely worth the jump.

For More cool German tunes check out Haus Maus by Holly who also does Decor8. She just moved to German this past week with her husband. Can't wait to get the heads up on all cool German things.

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