Saturday, August 8, 2009

Things of Interest in Portland - The Meadow

"The Meadow is a place of light, comfort, and beauty, where the elemental pleasures of life are brought together. Located in Portland Oregon, we specialize in exotic table salt, the world’s great chocolate bars, local and European wines, and fine art. The shop also offers full service floristry, and the air is suffused in the aromas and colors of fresh cut flowers arranged with imagination and a love of nature. With a close selection of books on food and culture and a few comfortable chairs set by the window, The Meadow is a place where you can step outside of time for a moment, linger, and let your mind wander."

How could we pass this place up? It sounds amazing. I don't doubt I will be picking up a few gifts here.

Fee Brothers Old-Fashioned Aromatic Bitters

Xocolatl de Davíd Flavored Truffles - Bacon and Chocolate

Maine Apple Smoked Finishing Salt
They have so many wonderful things at The Meadow. I love finishing salts and I would love to learn more uses for them. I am at the last granules of some hibiscus salt I got at Algabar. It is so yummy sprinkled on this peach salmon pizza I make. sounds maybe a bit odd but it is gooooood. And easy.

Ps- Thanks, Heidi Swanson, for the heads up!

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