Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Moon

I have really worked hard to not turn this blog into a gushing love letter about Twilght. I think I have done pretty good. I think. But I just finished defending The actors and begged Potsch to give the Cullen's and their story another chance. And my fire was ignited yet again. I immediately looked up the trailer for New Moon - and cried.
I don't know how to explain the endless love I have for these stories. My heart aches still that I can not make their fictional story my reality. My friend, Kate, told me how much she hates the books (though she she did read ALL of them) and how bad a writer Stephanie Meyers is (again she did read ALL 4 books). I had to work hard to not break down and cry. I had to remind myself that it is just a story and not everyone has to like it. But it did hurt.
I feel pretty lame that I love a teenage vampire story SO much. But I do.

please enjoy the trailer for New Moon. I am sure the book is better but the movie looks pretty cool too. And if you know of any support groups for people with my problem please forward that information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel I must respond to my mention in your blog. I feel I was mis-represented and I would like to set the record straight. I said I liked the first 2 books a lot, in fact I suggested it to you. However, the 3rd and 4th became very repetitive and the story dragged on which I found self-indulgent of the author. I thought the movie was crap, if I recall as did you, however, I too felt it was b/c of poor directing and choice of story-telling, not to be blamed on the acting.
So I am not a hypocrite as your blog might suggest, just an avid reader who was let down by an author.
thank you


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