Monday, June 1, 2009

Can I live here?

Thank god for Design*Sponge and their Monday Sneak Peeks. I love getting to see into homes and then dreaming of the home I will some day have with my little artsy family.
Here a pic of my new dream home (for today):

PS- I started a new production job just for this week and I have to use a PC. I have not used a PC since...I can't remember. It has been a long time. They are so confusing. I don't know any short cuts. My images to share may be fewer per post unless I can gain some quick knowledge - ie. screen grab type stuff. Please leave a comment with any advice. lvkm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

use the 'print scrn/ sysrq' button on the top right by the function keys. then open photoshop... file new .... (no need to punch in the size as it will use the defalt size from your screen grab). then ctrl v to paste!!! use ctrl instead of the apple key for all photoshop shortcuts, and alt instead of opt.


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